Please note, we do not sign meeting attendance for online meetings.
Women's Pot Luck
6:00AM EST Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun
United Kingdom, 10am UK time
Zoom: 840 8249 5515; PW: 12steps
Early Risers
8:30AM EST Mon-Sun
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 693 062 1667; PW: ea$yDoesIt
Intuition's Group
7:00PM EST M-W-F
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 266 706 3880; PW: WIG2020
Mon: Daily reflections
Wed: Big book
Fri: Speaker
T.G.I.S (Thank God I'm Sober)
7:00PM EST M-W-F
Seminole, Florida
Zoom: 781 566 5671; PW: None
Nightly Meeting
8:00PM EST Mon-Sun
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 209 153 837; PW: 200337
Sober Tribe
10:00PM EST Mon-Sun
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 499 553 145; PW: 023962
Brickell Sober Sisters
7:00PM EST Mondays
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 336 321 791; PW: 767032
Topic changes every week
One Day at a Time
1:00PM EST Tuesdays
Beverly Hills, CA (10:00AM PST)
Zoom: 892 9592 7548; PW: ODAAT
Sometimes Quickly, Sometimes Slowly
6:30PM EST Tuesdays
Zoom: 327 176 6617; PW: None
Based on the Promises
Spiritual Experience
7:15PM EST Tuesdays
BLVD Club – Miami-Dade
Zoom: 266 776 9075; PW: 461910
Speaker Meeting
11:00AM EST Wednesdays
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 815 366 465; PW: 558866
Tikvah (Hope)
11:30AM EST Wednesdays
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Zoom: 637 646 690 ; PW: 583664
Irish Gals
2:00PM EST Wednesdays
Zoom: 893 799 4973; PW: 1940
Women in Recovery
5:30PM EST Wednesday
Palm Beach, Florida
Zoom: 656 485 212; PW: ladies
The Sister We Choose
7:00PM EST Wednesday
Zoom: 894 4531 3542; PW: none
London - Tea Time
9:00AM EST Thursdays
London, England
Zoom: 853 4399 6050; PW: 381016
Bal Harbor Group
7:00PM EST Thursdays
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 517 195 179; PW: 256651
Women's Drop the Rock
11:00AM EST Fridays
Zoom: 231 733 6292; PW: none
Preston Group
12:00PM EST Saturdays
Texas Meeting (11:00AM Central)
Zoom: 618 079 8024; PW: 12and12
Al-Anon Women & Self Esteem
12:30PM EST Saturdays
NYC, New York
Zoom: 864 3798 9203; PW: 901771
L.A. Palisades - Ladies
12:30-2:00PM EST Saturday
Zoom: 491 755 428; PW: 349717
5:30PM EST Saturdays
Miami-Dade, Florida
Zoom: 383 489 517; PW: 026481
12:00PM EST Sundays
London, England
Zoom: 484 439 985; PW: HWZXXX
Women's 24 Hr Marathon
Every hour on the hour!
Jump right in, none stop!
Zoom: 928 9414 8568; PW: Billw